Thursday, 17 June 2021

The Journey to the Magic Backard (Introduction)

"Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination."
                     Rap Music Artist
                            Weston Memorial Junior Public School

When I was just 13 years old, it was obvious that the best use of my talents and my best money making opportunity would be in babysitting.  I'm not clear anymore (that was a dinosaur's age ago) who taught or sponsored the course but I have been forever grateful to them and my parents for making sure that I took it.  One of our assignments, and the one that has lasted with me all these years, was to create a bag or a box that would be our toolkit when we babysat.  Having helped my Mom with Brownies and being the creative person that I am, I rushed out to get some fabric to create something fun and unique.  It was then that the Magic Story Bag was created and the myth of the Magic Backyard began.  I say that I got the key from my parents because I did.  Right from my early years, they recognized my skills with children and my creativity.  They helped me develop it and have supported me along every adventure I have been on in search of the Magic Backyard ever since.  In it's early stages, the Magic Story Bag held a book with a gift/craft/activity related to the book that was personally sent to the children by one of the characters in the book.  It is the questions of all those children over the past years that has helped me to define more clearly that which I seek and that which I share."

Ye Olde Magic Story Bag
Ye Olde Magic Story Bag
Circa 1983
Terrain (Level of Difficulty):  💖💖💖💖💖

Kit List:  
            To start, I recommend making, finding, co-creating your own Magic Story container.  You can name it whatever you like and you can choose to go to a different land.  Be as creative as you can and remember that the best teaching and learning adventures come from your own passions and knowledge.  Use what you know and what you love.

Your Invitation to the Adventure:

If you have landed here by some accident, referral or because you know me... you might be asking yourself, "What is this Magic Backyard?" and "Who is she who represents it?"  These are all questions to be looked at in greater detail as time goes by.  I think if you are a parent or an educator, this journey might be interesting, educational and fun for you.  If you are ready for the magic of working with kiddos, then let's look at what's involved.

Should you choose to embark on this journey, BE PREPARED!  It's an adventure of great magnitude and a lifelong pursuit and vocation. It will have many challenges and many levels.  You will be tested in every way - mentally, physically, and spiritually.  You will experience times when it would be easier to quit than push on!  There is no GPS and the destination is so mysterious and illusive that you may never truly arrive there.

Should you choose to embark on this journey, it is best that you accept that it is the journey that is more important that the destination.  You will need many tools and your backpack will be heavy.  Don't worry!  You can pick up new tools and discard others along the way.  Wise adventurers will do that!  You will need to be shrewd and smart and very strong!

Should you choose this journey, I will be your guide.  I have a map and some ideas to help you.  But, you will choose your own route, your own tools, and your own method of travel.  

So are you coming?  Let's get started!  Where are we going?  We're headed to the Magic Backyard, of course.  I am Lisa Moffatt and I will be your guide!

Tip #1:  The Bag/Box:  While your talents with sewing and building may not be stellar, it is important that you choose materials and a size that will endure a whole lot and fit what you need to carry.  I took the largest book in my library to measure for what I needed and left width to fit props, gifts, craft materials...  Ye Olde Magic Story Bag is the one that I still use!  It's part of the myth and the magic.  I think, in my case, it is appealing because it looks old and hand-created with lots of sewing mistakes and, now, a little bit of filth from the ages.  The bag started my creative juices flowing and helped me put all of my philosophy into a "bag" that fits together.  For the children, it is part of the lesson.  For me it has become a symbol of what I believe in as an educator.  I would love to see photographs of the bags, boxes, baskets or containers that you make or use.  Please feel free to share!

Adventure Recipe:  Looking for some resources to help you start thinking about your myth and magic and philosophy?  Check out these resources.

  •   "Teach Like A Pirate,"  by:  Dave Burgess
  •   "Dictionary of Imaginary Places" by Alberto Manguel and Gianni Guadalupi

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